ATO's lodgment penalty amnesty is about to end

ATO's lodgment penalty amnesty is about to end

The ATO is remitting failure to lodge penalties for eligible small businesses.  Businesses which have not yet taken advantage of the ATO's lodgment penalty amnesty only have until 31 December 2023 to do so.

Businesses must meet the following criteria in order to be eligible for the amnesty:

  • had an annual turnover under $10 million when the original lodgment was due;

  • have overdue income tax returns, business activity statements or FBT returns that were due between 1 December 2019 and 28 February 2022; and

  • lodge between 1 June and 31 December 2023.

When taxpayers lodge their eligible income tax returns, business activity statements and FBT returns, failure to lodge penalties will be remitted without the need to apply.

The amnesty does not apply to privately owned groups or individuals controlling over $5 million of net wealth.

Directors who bring their company lodgments up to date can also have penalties remitted and, if they are reliant on company lodgments to finalise their own tax affairs, any failure to lodge penalties will be remitted.  This also applies to eligible lodgments made between 1 June and 31 December 2023.


Notice of officeholder data-matching program

The ATO will acquire officeholder data from ASIC, the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission for the 2024 and 2025 income years, including details such as:

  • their name, address and date of birth;

  • email address and contact phone number;

  • organisation class, type and status, and state of incorporation; and

  • officeholder type, role type, and officeholder role start and end dates.

The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately 11 million individuals will be obtained.

This program aims to (among other things) enable the Australian Business Registry Services to increase uptake of the director ID, and better utilise registry data to combat unlawful activity.


ATO warning regarding prohibited SMSF loans

Loans to members continue to be the highest reported contravention of the superannuation laws that the ATO sees in auditor contravention reports.

SMSF trustees should remember that they cannot loan money or provide other forms of financial assistance to a member or relative, and if they do, they can incur a penalty of up to $18,780.  They may also be disqualified as a trustee.

SMSF trustees also cannot loan money to a related party, such as a business, where the value of the loan exceeds 5% of the value of the fund's total assets, as this is a prohibited 'in-house asset' investment.

If the SMSF's in-house assets exceed 5% of the total value of its assets at the end of the financial year, the trustee must prepare a plan to reduce their in-house assets to less than 5%, which must be implemented by the end of the following financial year.

If a trustee has made a prohibited loan from their SMSF, the loan must be repaid as soon as possible.


Don't forget the two further 'boosts'!

Although the 'Technology Investment Boost' has come to an end (it provided a bonus deduction for eligible expenditure incurred until 30 June 2023), it is important to remember that there are two further 'boosts' providing bonus deductions for small businesses, and both apply to eligible expenditure incurred up until 30 June 2024.

The Skills and Training Boost provides small or medium businesses with a bonus 20% deduction for eligible expenditure incurred on external training for employees, to support such businesses to train and upskill their employees.

This boost applies to eligible expenditure incurred from 29 March 2022 until 30 June 2024.

The Small Business Energy Incentive (Boost) is designed to support small business electrification and more efficient energy use, and will apply to eligible expenditure incurred between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 (once the relevant legislation is passed).

This boost provides small or medium businesses with a bonus 20% deduction for the cost of:

  • eligible depreciating assets; and/or

  • eligible improvements incurred in relation to existing depreciating assets,

that support electrification or energy efficiency.

To be eligible for either of the above 'boosts', a business taxpayer must satisfy a number of conditions.

Editor: Please contact our office if you need any further information regarding the above 'boosts'.


Claiming deductions in relation to a holiday home

Taxpayers should remember that they can only claim deductions for holiday home expenses to the extent they are incurred for the purpose of gaining or producing rental income.

They need to consider the following in determining whether the deductions they wish to claim are valid rental deductions:

  • How many days during the income year did they use or block out the property for their own use?  Taxpayers cannot claim deductions for the periods the property was used or blocked out by them.

  • How and where did they advertise the property for rent, and is the rent in line with market values?  If they only used obscure means of advertising, or put unreasonable restrictions or conditions in the advertisement, they may not be entitled to claim deductions.

  • Will any restrictions, or the general condition of the property, reduce interest from potential holiday makers?  If their property is not in a tenantable condition, they may not be entitled to claim deductions.

  • Has the taxpayer or their family or friends used the property?  Taxpayers cannot claim for periods of private use or when the property is kept vacant for personal reasons.

  • Is any part of the property off limits to tenants?  When taxpayers claim deductions, they should ensure they calculate and apportion deductions in relation to the part of the property that is available for rent.


Reminder of December 2023 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee ('SG')

Employers are reminded that, in relation to their SG obligations for the quarter ending 31 December 2023, the due date is 28 January 2024.

If the correct amount of SG is not paid by an employer on time, they will be liable to pay the SG charge, which includes a penalty and interest component.

The SG rate is 11% for the 2024 income year.

Please note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

ATO says: "Be cyber wise, don't compromise"

Tax issues for businesses that have received a support payment

Taxpayers who have received a government support grant or payment recently to help their business recover from COVID-19 or a natural disaster should check if they need to include the payment in their assessable income.

Grants are generally treated as assessable income, and taxpayers may be able to claim deductions if they use these payments to:

-purchase replacement trading stock or new assets;

-repair their business premises and fit out; or

-pay for other business expenses.

However, some grants are declared non-assessable, non-exempt ('NANE') income.  This means taxpayers don't need to include them in their tax return if they meet certain eligibility requirements.

NANE grants include but are not limited to:

-COVID-19 business support payments;

-natural disaster grants; and

-water infrastructure payments.

Taxpayers can only claim deductions for expenses associated with NANE grants if they relate directly to earning their assessable income, including wages, dividends, interest and rent. 

Taxpayers cannot claim expenses related to obtaining the grant, such as accountant's fees.


Care required in paying super benefits

Generally, before SMSF trustees pay a member's super benefits, they need to ensure that:

- the member has reached their preservation age;

- the member has met one of the conditions of release; and

- the governing rules of the fund (e.g., the trust deed) allow it. 

Benefit payments to members who have not met a condition of release are not treated as super benefits.  Instead, they will be taxed as ordinary income at the member's marginal tax rate.

If a benefit is unlawfully released, the ATO may apply significant penalties to:

-the SMSF trustee;

-the SMSF; and

-the recipient of the early release. 

The ATO may also disqualify the trustee(s) involved.

Investment restrictions and other rules that apply to SMSFs in the accumulation phase continue to apply when members begin receiving a pension from the SMSF.

Where a member has met a condition of release, the trustee can either pay the benefit as a lump sum or super income stream (i.e., a pension).  If a member has died, the trustee will generally pay a death benefit to a dependant or other beneficiary of the deceased, subject to the applicable rules.


Notice of visa data-matching program

The ATO will acquire visa data from the Department of Home Affairs for the 2024 to 2026 income years, including the following:

-address history and contact history for visa applicants, sponsors, and migration agents;

-active visas meeting the relevant criteria, and all visa grants;

-visa grant status by point in time;

-migration agents who assisted the processing of the visa;

-all international travel movements undertaken by visa holders; and

-sponsor details, and visa subclass name.

The ATO estimates that records relating to approximately nine million individuals will be obtained each financial year.

The objectives of this program are to (among other things) help ensure that individuals and businesses are fulfilling their tax and super reporting obligations, and identify potentially new or emergent approaches to fraud and those entities controlling or exploiting the visa framework.


ATO says: "Be cyber wise, don't compromise"

Throughout the 2022 income year, one cybercrime was reported every seven minutes.  The ATO encourages taxpayers to implement the following four quick steps to protect themselves.

Step 1: Install updates for your devices and software

Regular updates ensure taxpayers have the latest security in place which can help prevent cyber criminals from hacking their devices.  They should also make sure they are downloading authorised and legitimate programs.

Step 2: Implement multi-factor authentication

Multi-factor authentication ('MFA') is a security measure that requires at least two proofs of identity to grant access.  Businesses as well as individuals should implement MFA wherever possible.  MFA options can include a physical token, authenticator app, email or SMS.

Step 3: Regularly back up your files

Backing up copies of files to an external device or the 'cloud' means taxpayers can restore their files if something goes wrong. 

It is a precautionary measure that can help avoid costly data recovery.

Step 4:  Change your passwords to passphrases

By using passphrases, taxpayers can boost the security of their accounts and make it harder for cyber criminals to access their information. 

Passphrases use four or more random words and can include symbols, capitals and numbers.  A password manager can help generate or store passphrases.


Losses in crypto investments for SMSFs

Over the last few income years, the ATO has seen some instances of SMSF trustees losing their crypto asset investments.

These losses have been caused by:

-crypto scams, where trustees were conned into investing their superannuation benefits in a fake crypto exchange;

-theft, where fraudsters would hack into trustees' crypto accounts and steal all their crypto;

-collapsed crypto trading platforms, many of which were based overseas; and

-lost passwords, resulting in trustees being locked out of their crypto account and being unable to access their crypto.

Trustees thinking of investing in crypto need to be aware of the ways that crypto can be lost, including through scams, and how these scams can be avoided.

Many crypto assets are not commonly considered to be financial products, which means the platform where crypto is bought and sold may not be regulated by ASIC. 

Therefore, trustees may not be protected if the platform fails or is hacked.  When a crypto platform fails they will most likely lose all of their crypto.

Investing in crypto can be complex and risky, and so the ATO recommends that trustees seek financial advice before investing.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

Super guarantee rate increasing

Court penalises AMP

$24 million for charging deceased customers The Federal Court has found that four companies that are or were part of the AMP Group breached the law when charging life insurance premiums and advice fees from the superannuation accounts of more than 2,000 deceased customers.

The Federal Court ordered two of these AMP companies to pay a combined penalty of $24 million for the breaches. Both AMP Life Limited and AMP Financial Planning admitted that they engaged in unconscionable conduct by deducting and/or failing to properly refund insurance premiums and advice fees respectively from superannuation members after being notified of their deaths.

Both companies also admitted that they accepted insurance premiums and advice fees despite there being reasonable grounds for believing that they would not be able to supply the insurance or advice. The Court also found all four AMP companies contravened their overarching obligations as Australian financial services licensees to act efficiently, honestly and fairly.

The super guarantee rate is increasing

Businesses that have employees, or hire eligible contractors, will need to ensure that their payroll and accounting systems are updated to reflect the new super guarantee rate of 11% for payments of salary and wages that are made from 1 July 2023.

Businesses need to calculate super contributions at 11% for their eligible workers for payments of salary and wages they make from this date. Super contributions for the quarter ending 30 June (due by 28 July 2023) are still calculated at the 10.5% rate for payments of salary and wages made prior to 1 July.

Minimum annual payments for super income streams

The ATO reminds taxpayers that an SMSF must pay a minimum amount each year to a member who is receiving a pension that commenced on or after 20 September 2007 (e.g., account based pensions). If the minimum payment is not made by 30 June, this can result in adverse taxation consequences for the member In response to COVID-19, the government temporarily reduced superannuation minimum drawdown requirements for account-based pensions and similar products by 50% for the 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 financial years.

However, for the 2024 financial year, the 50% reduction in the minimum pension drawdown rate will no longer apply. This means that, from 1 July 2023, when taxpayers calculate the minimum annual payment for their pension, the 50% reduction will not apply to the calculated minimum annual payment. Editor: Contact our office if you require assistance in determining the minimum pension payment that must be made in the 2024 financial year.


Know your private company loan arrangements before you lodge

The ATO advises taxpayers that, if they or an associate take a loan from their private company, they should not forget the requirements of repaying a private company loan for income tax purposes. Otherwise, they could find the loan treated as a Division 7A deemed dividend and included in their, or their associates', assessable income.

Taxpayers should consider the following in particular before lodging their private company tax return: ensure their loan is a Division 7A complying loan and make minimum yearly repayments; and q they can’t borrow further money or assets from the same company, directly or indirectly, to make minimum yearly repayments or repay the loan – if they do, these payments may not be taken into account and could result in an assessable deemed dividend.

The ATO encourages taxpayers to check their loan repayments and, if they are concerned a payment will not be taken into account, they should speak to their registered tax adviser or contact the ATO. Editor: Please contact our office if you require assistance in relation to your loan arrangements.

Proportional indexation of transfer balance caps from 1 July 2023

The ATO reminds taxpayers that, on 1 July 2023, the general transfer balance cap will be indexed. Individuals will have a personal transfer balance cap between $1.6 and $1.9 million, based on the highest ever balance of their transfer balance account between 1 July 2017 and 30 June 2023.

While indexation will occur on 1 July 2023, the ATO won't be displaying member’s updated personal transfer balance caps until 11 July 2023. The ATO encourages all SMSFs to report any events that occurred prior to 1 July 2023 by 30 June 2023, to ensure member’s personal transfer balance cap calculations are based on correct and up to date information. From 11 July, both members and their agents will be able to view the member’s personal transfer balance cap on the ATO’s website. After 11 July 2023, a member's personal transfer balance cap will be recalculated if the ATO receives reporting of events effective prior to 1 July 2023. Individuals can continue to report transfer balance cap information to the ATO between 1 July 2023 and 11 July 2023, however these will not be processed until after this period. This means the ATO won't be able to issue or revoke excess transfer balance determinations it has sent to a member, or commutation authorities it has sent to a fund. Processing of any reported events will continue as normal after 11 July 2023.

Masters course fees not deductible as self-education expenses

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (‘AAT’) has held that tuition fees for a public policy Masters course were not deductible, on the basis that the course did not relate to the taxpayer's work as a music teacher. The taxpayer was a qualified teacher who specialised in teaching music. He had commenced a Masters Course at the University of Melbourne (the Masters course), and subsequently claimed a deduction for work-related education expenses in relation to the subject tuition fees. The taxpayer submitted that the Masters course would expand the breadth of subjects he could teach and therefore help him secure management positions.

However, the ATO disallowed the deduction as it was not satisfied that a real and direct connection existed between the study and the taxpayer's work. The AAT confirmed the ATO’s decision that the fees were not deductible as self-education expenses, as the tuition fees were not incurred in gaining or producing the taxpayer's assessable income. The subjects undertaken by the taxpayer in the 2021 year, for which he was seeking to claim a deduction, "did not maintain or improve his skills or knowledge as either a music teacher or relief teacher". The AAT also noted that, in incurring the claimed self-education expenses, the taxpayer’s intention “of being able to expand his ability to teach in subjects outside of music and to gain leadership positions relate to new employment or new income earning activities and as such is not sufficient basis for those expenses to be deductible”.

Tips to reduce study and training loan balances

New 15% super tax to apply from 1 July 2025

The Government recently announced it will be imposing a 15% additional tax on individuals that have more than $3 million in superannuation.  The new measure is expected to commence from 1 July 2025 (i.e., the start of the 2026 income year).

The main takeaways from the information provided thus far include the following:

-    The additional 15% tax will broadly apply to the annual movement in the value of an individual’s superannuation balance, adjusted for withdrawals and contributions.  These ‘earnings’ are further adjusted to ensure only the proportion corresponding to the balance above $3 million will be subject to the new tax.

-   There will be no limit imposed on the size of superannuation account balances.

-    Individuals will have the choice of paying the tax liability personally or from their super fund.

In current terms, the Government expects that the new tax will apply to 0.5% of people with money in superannuation (around 80,000 people).  However, the proposal does not currently allow for indexation of the $3 million threshold, so more individuals may be impacted in the future.

Editor: The Government will consult on the implementation of this proposed measure, so expect to hear much more about it before 2025!

Start thinking about your FBT obligations

The 2023 FBT year ended on 31 March, so it is now time for employers to get ready to lodge their 2023 FBT returns, where they have provided benefits to their employees (or their associates) between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.

If you have provided fringe benefits to employees during the year, we are able to assist you with satisfying the following requirements:

-  self-assessing your FBT liability for the FBT year;

-  lodge an FBT return (if you have an FBT liability or paid FBT instalments through your activity statements);

-   pay the FBT you owe by the due date; and

-   calculate the reportable fringe benefits amount to be included on each employee’s income statement or payment summary (if the total taxable value is more than $2,000).

Employers that have an FBT liability for the year ended 31 March 2023 are generally required to lodge their FBT return and pay their FBT liability by 26 June 2023, where they lodge their FBT return electronically through a registered tax agent (noting the usual due date of 25 June falls on a weekend this year).

Employers that are not included on a registered tax agent’s FBT client list must generally lodge an FBT return by 22 May 2023.

Employers do not need to lodge an FBT return if they are not liable to pay FBT for the year and have not paid FBT instalments during the year. If you are registered for FBT but do not think you need to lodge a 2023 FBT return, please contact our office so that we can confirm and let the ATO know before the due date, to ensure the ATO will not seek a return at a later date.

Editor: Please contact our office to ensure you are ready for FBT season and confirm what information we will need from you to lodge your 2023 FBT return by the due date.


FBT exemption for electric cars

Until recently, the FBT consequences for providing electric cars to employees were effectively the same as any other car. However, from 1 July 2022, FBT is no longer payable on benefits provided for eligible electric cars and associated expenses. Practically, this exemption will be relevant for the first time in the 2023 FBT year.

Broadly, benefits provided for electric cars will be exempt from FBT where the following criteria are met:

-the car is a zero- or low-emissions vehicle;

-the first time the car is both held and used is on or after 1 July 2022;

-the car is used by a current employee or their associate(s) (e.g., a family member); and

-luxury car tax has never been payable on the importation or sale of the car.

Registration, insurance, repairs, maintenance and fuel expenses provided for eligible electric cars are also exempt from FBT.

Note that, while the benefit is exempt from FBT, the taxable value of the benefit must still be determined when working out whether an employee has a reportable fringe benefits amount to be included on their income statement or payment summary.

Editor: Please contact our office if you have any queries about this new exemption and how it may affect your obligations for the 2023 FBT year.


Tips to reduce study and training loan balances

If you have a study and training loan balance (e.g., a HELP debt), it may be worthwhile to consider methods of reducing the balance to ensure you are not left with a large tax bill when your 2023 income tax return is lodged.

While there is no interest charged on study and training loans, indexation is added to these debts on 1 June each year, based upon the consumer price index (‘CPI’). Given the current rate of inflation, individuals with study and training loan balances should expect a larger than normal adjustment this year.

If you have a study and training loan balance, it is worth checking your loan balance and considering the following tips:

  • Let your employer know if you have started studying or have a study loan.

  • Check the amount your employer is withholding. If there has not been enough withheld to cover your compulsory repayment, you can ask your employer to increase the withholding amount.

  • Make a voluntary repayment to reduce your total loan amount. Indexation on the loan is applied on 1 June, so a voluntary repayment prior to this date will reduce the balance that indexation is applied to. Note that it may take a few business days for the ATO to receive and process the payment.

Indexation will not apply to a study and training loan on 1 June if the balance is nil. Any loan debt over 11 months old will be subject to indexation.

Editor: The compulsory repayment threshold for the 2023 financial year is $48,361. If you earn over this amount, the compulsory repayment is worked out when your tax return is lodged, and it will be included on your notice of assessment.


Reminder of March 2023 Quarter Superannuation Guarantee (‘SG’)

Employers are reminded that the SG obligation for the 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 quarter is due by 28 April 2023.

If the correct amount of SG is not paid by an employer on time, they will be liable to pay the SG charge, which includes a penalty and interest component.

As a reminder, from 1 July 2022, the compulsory SG rate increased to 10.5% (previously 10%). The compulsory SG rate will increase again to 11% for the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. So now might be a good time to ensure your payroll systems are updated by the start of the next income year.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

ATO and Federal Police crack down on GST fraud

Significant change to claiming working from home expenses

Before 1 July 2022, an individual taxpayer that incurred additional deductible expenses as a result of working from home, had a choice of three methods to claim these expenses. 

These choices were:

-   The shortcut method – which was available from 1 March 2020 to 30 June 2022;

-   The fixed-rate method – which was available from 1 July 1998 to 30 June 2022; or

-   Actual expenses, that is calculating the actual expenses incurred as a result of working from home (Editor: This method can be burdensome to apply in practice)

From 1 July 2022, as a result of the release of PCG 2023/1 by the ATO, the shortcut method and the fixed-rate method have been abolished. 

A replacement method that can be used instead of the actual expenses method (which has not been abolished) is the revised fixed-rate method.

Under the revised fixed-rate method, a deduction can be claimed of 67 cents per hour for energy expenses (electricity and gas), internet expenses, mobile and home phone expenses, and stationery and computer consumables.

Other expenses associated with working from home, such as depreciation of  home office furniture and a personally owned computer used at home for work purposes, will need to be calculated on an actual basis when using the revised fixed-rate method.

To claim a deduction under the new fixed-rate method, an individual needs to meet three criteria, which are:

-   The individual is working from home while carrying out their employment duties or carrying on their business on or after 1 July 2022;

-   They are incurring additional running expenses of the kind outlined in the above discussion as to what the 67 cents per hour amount reflects, as a result of working from home;

-   They keep and retain relevant records in respect of the time they spend working from home and for the additional running expenses (covered by the rate per hour) they are incurring.

There are strict record keeping requirements associated with this new method.

For the year ending 30 June 2023, a taxpayer using this new method will need to keep a record which is representative of the total number of hours worked from home during the period from 1 July 2022 to 28 February 2023. 

The taxpayer will also need to keep a record of the total number of actual hours they worked from home for the period 1 March 2023 to 30 June 2023.

The record of the actual hours worked from home could be maintained by timesheets, rosters, time-tracking apps, logs of time spent accessing employer systems or online business systems, or a diary kept contemporaneously.

For the year ending 30 June 2024 and later income years, a taxpayer using this method must also keep a record of actual hours worked from home for the entire year.

Under both the short-cut method and the previous fixed-rate method, there was no need for detailed record keeping of the actual hours worked from home.  Estimates were acceptable.   This is a significant change and increases the record keeping burden on taxpayers.

Another significant change, which results in an increase in record keeping obligations under the revised fixed-rate method, is that in relation to running costs such as energy costs, phone and internet costs, a taxpayer needs to maintain at least one monthly or quarterly bill. 

This is because the ATO now requires proof that the individual has incurred the running costs represented by the 67 cents per hour deduction.

Transfer balance cap indexation

An individual’s transfer balance cap (‘TBC’) determines the maximum amount they can commit to a retirement phase interest in their super fund, such as an account-based pension, without being subject to penal taxation.  

When the TBC concept was introduced with effect from 1 July 2017, it was initially $1,600,000.  It was increased by $100,000 as of 1 July 2021 to $1,700,000. 

The TBC increases in $100,000 increments (or multiples of $100,000) in line with the Consumer Price Index (‘CPI’).

As a result of a substantial increase in the CPI, the TBC is due to increase on 1 July 2023 by $200,000.

Accordingly, an increase in the TBC is seen as a good thing, as it potentially means an individual can have more of their superannuation interest supporting a tax-free pension.

Individuals who start their first retirement phase income stream (otherwise known as a pension) on or after 1 July 2023 will have a TBC of $1.9 million.

From 1 July 2023 individuals will have a TBC between $1.6 million and $1.9 million.

An individual who already had a transfer balance account and at any time met or exceeded their personal TBC will not be entitled to indexation, and their personal TBC will remain the same.

For example, an individual who started their first retirement phase income stream, an account based pension, on 1 January 2022 with a value of $1,700,000 at the time of commencement, would have fully utilised their then TBC of $1,700,000.  

 Such an individual, having already fully utilised their TBC, will not gain any benefit from the increase in the TBC due to indexation.

Where an individual has partially utilised their TBC before 1 July 2023, instead of benefiting from the full $200,000 increase in the TBC, they will have access to a proportional indexation of their TBC based on the unused cap percentage of their transfer balance account.

Editor: To see if this change will impact on how much you can have counted towards a pension interest in your super fund, please contact our office

ATO and Australian Federal Police crackdown on GST-fraud promoters

A raft of enforcement activity has been undertaken across the country by the ATO-led Serious Financial Crime Taskforce, including the execution of search warrants and issuing of warning letters.

At 31 December 2022, the ATO took compliance action on more than 53,000 clients and stopped approximately $2.5 billion in fraudulent GST refunds from being paid to individuals seeking to defraud the system.

Two individuals have been sentenced to jail time for their crimes so far, following their arrest in 2022.

This follows 87 earlier arrests across the country, with many more to come. The ATO has commenced writing to more than 20,000 individuals involved in the fraud, warning them of the serious consequences coming their way unless they come forward and repay the money they have defrauded.

The fraud was first detected in early 2022 and involved offenders inventing fake businesses and Australian business number (ABN) applications, then submitting fictitious Business Activity Statements in an attempt to gain a false GST refund.

Promoters of the fraud use social media and other channels to recruit participants.

The ATO has been issuing warnings to the community to be on the lookout for fraud schemes that are being promoted through social media and other channels.

For those who may be tempted by the promise of big gains, the ATO has sophisticated risk models and works with banks, law enforcement agencies, and other organisations to share information and detect fraud. It also has access to intelligence through community tip offs, social media platforms, and other information sources.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

Electric vehicle FBT exemption is now law

Super guarantee contributions for the December 2022 quarter

A reminder to employers that their December 2022 superannuation guarantee (‘SG’) contributions were due by 28 January 2023.

Do not forget the two changes to SG that commenced on 1 July 2022:

-   the rate increased from 10% to 10.5%

-  employees no longer need to earn $450 per month to be eligible.

Employers now need to make super contributions for all eligible employees, regardless of how much they were paid – their earnings amount is not relevant. However, employees who are under 18 still need to work more than 30 hours in a week to be eligible.

Electric vehicle FBT exemption legislation is now law

Legislation to make certain electric vehicles exempt from Fringe Benefits Tax (‘FBT’) has now been enacted into law.

Certain zero or low emissions vehicles provided as a car benefit on or after 1 July 2022, can be exempt from FBT.

For this exemption to apply various criteria need to be satisfied. 

The car needs to have been both held and used for the first time by the employer on or after 1 July 2022 and it cannot have been subject to the luxury car tax when it was purchased. 

For the 2023 income year, to qualify for this exemption, the car needs to cost less than the luxury car tax threshold for fuel efficient vehicles of $84,916.

A vehicle is a zero or low emissions vehicle if it satisfies both of these conditions:

-   It is a:

–  battery electric vehicle; or

–  hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle; or

–  plug-in hybrid electric vehicle.

-   It is a car designed to carry a load of less than 1 tonne and fewer than 9 passengers (including the driver).

Motorcycles and scooters are not cars for FBT purposes and do not qualify for the exemption, even if they are electric.

Please note that in relation to plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, there is a specific limitation on the FBT exemption.

From 1 April 2025, a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle will not be considered a zero or low emissions vehicle under FBT law. 

There are special provisions allowing the exemption to continue when a plug-in vehicle was provided as an exempt benefit under an agreement entered into before 1 April 2025 that continues after this date.

Although the private use of an eligible electric car is exempt from FBT, an employer still needs to include the notional value of the benefit when working out whether an employee has a reportable fringe benefits amount (‘RFBA’).

An employee has an RFBA if the total taxable value of certain fringe benefits provided to them (or their associate) is more than $2,000 in an FBT year.  The RFBA must be reported through Single Touch Payroll or on the employee's payment summary.

The amount of an RFBA reported for an employee is not added to an employee’s taxable income for determining income tax and Medicare Levy liabilities. 

However, it is added to an employee’s taxable income for calculating Medicare Levy Surcharge liability, and is included in income tests for family assistance, child support assessments, and some other government benefits and obligations.

Further eligibility age change for downsizer contributions

In another recent legislative change, the eligibility age to make a downsizer contribution into superannuation has been reduced to 55 from 1 January 2023.

This further reduces the downsizer eligibility age, which changed from 65 to 60 from 1 July 2022.

From 1 January 2023, eligible individuals aged 55 years or older can choose to make a downsizer contribution into their super fund of up to $300,000 per person ($600,000 per couple) from the proceeds of selling their home that has been held for at least 10 years and qualifies for at least a partial main residence exemption.

There are no changes to the remaining eligibility criteria.

Key dates for downsizer contributions:

-   Eligible individuals aged 55 years or older can make a downsizer contribution from 1 January 2023.

-   For any downsizer contributions made between 1 July 2022 and 31 December 2022, eligible individuals must be aged 60 years or older at the time of making their contribution.

  • Other important information to consider for 55-59 year olds:

-   Individuals have 90 days from receiving the sale proceeds of their home to make a downsizer contribution.
This means if an individual receives the proceeds of sale prior to 1 January 2023, they can make their contribution after 1 January 2023, so long as they are still making it within 90 days of receiving the proceeds.

-   If 1 January 2023 falls outside of their 90 day window to make a downsizer contribution, they will not be eligible. It is unlikely the ATO would grant an extension of time in these circumstances.

Unlike most other contributions into superannuation, there is no upper age limit for being eligible to make a downsizer contribution.  Even a 95 year could make a downsizer contribution, and there is no need to satisfy the work test!

Builder unable to obtain refund of incorrectly charged GST

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal has held that a builder was unable to receive a refund of GST incorrectly charged on the sale of a residential premises that had been rented for just over five years since construction was complete.

The taxpayer claimed the GST charged on a unit was charged in error, on the basis that the sale was actually an input taxed supply.  Accordingly, the taxpayer sought a refund of the GST previously remitted to the ATO on the unit.

For residential premises to fall outside the definition of ‘new residential premises’ and therefore be input taxed rather than a taxable supply, it needs to meet the requirements of S.40-75(2)(a) of the GST Act.  

Broadly, to meet the requirements of this section there needs to have been a continuous five-year period since the premises first become residential premises, during which the premises have “only been used for making supplies that are input taxed” (i.e., being used as a rental property).

Unfortunately for the builder, this requirement was not satisfied because the unit was also marketed for sale a few months before the completion of the five-year period since the issue of the certificate of occupancy.  

A lesson to be learnt here is that any time a residential premises is both rented and on the market for sale it does not meet the requirements to count towards the five-year continuous period that it has “only been used for making supplies that are input taxed.” 

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

ATO's record-keeping tips

ATO warning to SMSFs: "Paying the price for non-compliance"

There are various courses of action available to the ATO when trustees of self-managed super funds ('SMSFs') have not complied with the super laws, including applying administrative penalties.

A number of factors determine the amount of the administrative penalty, including:

- the type of contravention;

- when it occurred; and

- the number of penalty units that apply.

For example, if an SMSF contravenes a provision in relation to borrowings during the 2021/22 financial year, the ATO may apply a penalty of 60 penalty units and, at $222 per unit for that year, this would result in the SMSF trustee having to pay $13,320. This could be even more if there are multiple contraventions.

Editor: Note that the Government recently introduced a Bill to increase the value of a penalty unit for Commonwealth offences committed on or after 1 January 2023 from $222 to $275.

The ATO imposed total administrative penalties of around $3.4 million on SMSF trustees last year for contraventions such as trustees illegally accessing super benefits, loans, or financial assistance given to members.

Also, just because a trustee receives an administrative penalty doesn’t mean the ATO won't undertake any other compliance action, such as issuing a notice of non-compliance or disqualifying the relevant entity as a trustee.

ATO's record-keeping tips

The ATO has reminded taxpayers that they should understand the record-keeping requirements for their business and keep accurate and complete records as they occur, as this should help them avoid penalties that may apply and reduce the possibility of the ATO denying their expense claims.

The following are some of the ATO's top tips to help businesses get it right and avoid record-keeping errors (based on common record-keeping errors the ATO sees):

- Keep accurate records of all cash and electronic transactions.

- Reconcile cash and EFTPOS sales regularly (by ensuring payments recorded internally match external records) and enter the amounts into the main business accounting software system.

- Check for mistakes if things don't add up.

- For expenses that are for both business and private use, work out and record the business portion accurately.

- If the taxpayer has used trading stock for private purposes, remember to account for the stock as if the business sold it, and include the value in the business’s assessable income.

- Don't use estimates to prepare tax returns and business activity statements ('BASs').

- If claiming credits for GST, set aside the GST in a separate ledger account to make record-keeping and calculations easier.

- Most records must generally be kept for at least 5 years — from when the record was prepared or obtained, or the transaction or related acts were completed, whichever is later. Records relating to the calculation of losses may need to be kept longer, depending on when that loss is deducted (or offset against a capital gain).

- Accurate and detailed records must also be kept when paying contractors to provide certain services on behalf of the business (so the business can easily complete its taxable payments annual report at the end of each year).

- Use the ATO's Record-keeping evaluation tool to find out how well the business is currently keeping its records.

If businesses aren't sure how this information applies to their situation, the ATO recommends they ask their registered tax or BAS agent, or contact the ATO for help. The ATO says it will help businesses get back on track if they make an error.

Input tax credits denied due to lodging BASs late

The Administrative Appeal Tribunal ('AAT') has held that a taxpayer could not claim $91,239 of input tax credits ('ITCs') at least partly because it lodged the relevant BASs more than 4 years too late.

Specifically, the GST Act operates such that, if an extension of time to lodge a BAS has not been granted prior to the expiry of 4 years after the day on which it was required to be given to the ATO, the entitlement to ITCs immediately ceases.

The AAT also noted that there is no discretion to circumvent this part of the GST Act, and the ATO cannot provide further time to lodge a BAS retrospectively outside of the relevant 4 year period.

It did not matter that the taxpayer was (for example) involved in a dispute with a franchisor nor that they were impacted by lockdown restrictions.

Therefore, the taxpayer was no longer entitled to claim ITCs in relation to the BASs lodged by the taxpayer 4 years after they were required to have been given (and was also denied other ITCs for BASs that were lodged within the required 4 year period, as a substantial amount of the ITCs claimed remained unsubstantiated by a valid tax invoice).

Chef spending most of a year on cruise ships still a 'resident'

The AAT has also held that a taxpayer, an Australian chef with over 20 years’ experience both in Australia and overseas, was an Australian resident for taxation purposes in the 2016 income year.

During that year, he spent only 86 days in Australia, being the period prior to him leaving Australia to commence employment with a cruise ship company, and a period during which he visited his family between deployments.

However, the AAT noted that he had no intention that any new place of residence be indefinite, and he did not become a resident of a new place.

Importantly, his 'domicile' for tax purposes (being Australia) did not change (and the AAT stated that "a ship cannot be a domicile").

Requesting stapled super fund details for new employees

The ATO is reminding employers that, when they have new employees that have not provided them with their choice of super fund, super contributions should be made into:

  • the employee's stapled super fund; or

  • the employer's nominated account (but only if the ATO advises that the employee does not have a stapled super fund).

Editor: A stapled super fund is an employee's existing super account which is linked, or 'stapled', to them and follows them as they change jobs.

In December 2022, the ATO is releasing a solution that enables employer software and payroll products to request stapled super funds. That is, stapled super enabled software will allow the employer to request stapled super details from within their business software, so they will no longer have to request them separately via ATO online services.

Employers should contact their software provider to find out if their software solution will incorporate the stapled super functionality.

The ATO also encourages employers using the 'bulk request process' to begin discussions with their software providers, as the ATO's current bulk request process will be decommissioned from mid-2023.

Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

Deadline for all company directors

Director ID deadline is approaching

The Government has launched an awareness campaign to help company directors get their director identification number ('director ID') as the 30 November deadline approaches.

A director ID is a unique 15‑digit identifier that a company director will apply for once and keep forever.  Director IDs are administered by the Australian Business Registry Services ('ABRS'), which is managed by the ATO.

All directors of companies registered with ASIC will need a director ID and must apply by the 30 November deadline (although directors of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporations may have additional time to apply).

Some people may not realise they are directors, so the campaign is targeting those that run small businesses, self‑managed superannuation funds, charities, not‑for‑profits, and even some sporting clubs.

The fastest way to apply is online at, and the director ID will be issued instantly once the application is complete.  It is free to apply and directors must apply themselves, as they are required to verify their identity (and it is this "robust identification process" that will help prevent the use of false and fraudulent director identities).

More information about director IDs, including who must apply, is available on the ABRS website.

Editor: Feel free to contact our office if you need more information about this but, as noted above, we cannot actually make the application for you.


Why are credits and refunds being offset?

The ATO has reached out to small businesses who may have recently received a letter advising that they have a debt on hold and any credits or refunds would be offset against this debt.

As a result, such a small business may find that their refund or credit is less than expected.

Editor: The ATO has advised that this process of offsetting refunds or credits temporarily paused due to the pandemic and its financial impact on taxpayers.  However, the ATO has restarted offsetting refunds and credits to pay off debts on hold since June 2022.

The ATO also sent out 'awareness letters' to some not-for-profits and individuals in September 2022, similarly advising them they had a debt on hold and any credits or refunds would be offset against this debt.

Taxpayers can use Online services for business to search for debts that were previously put on hold and not included in their account balance.

A debt on hold remains payable and collection action may recommence if:

-      the taxpayer's circumstances change, and the ATO has reason to believe they are now able to pay the debt;

-      the taxpayer agrees to pay their debt; or

-      the taxpayer has a refund or credit balance which will automatically be offset to their debt on hold.


ATO advice for SMSFs thinking about investing in crypto assets

The ATO recommends that trustees of self-managed super funds ('SMSFs') thinking about investing in crypto assets should seek professional advice from a licensed financial adviser.

There are organisations who offer trustees help to set up a fund or use their existing fund to invest in crypto assets.  However, the ATO notes that some of these organisations are not licensed to provide financial advice, which means the usual consumer protections and access to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority ('AFCA') are not available for using these services.

There are many things to consider before deciding to invest in crypto assets, so it's important to get it right, especially since trustees are ultimately responsible for ensuring the investment complies with the super and tax laws.

When investing in crypto assets, trustees must ensure it is allowed under the fund’s trust deed, is made in accordance with the fund’s investment strategy, and the trustee has considered the level of investment risk given the highly volatile nature of the investment.

From a regulatory perspective it's important that:

-      The crypto assets are owned by the fund and are held separately from the trustee's own personal or business assets.  This means the fund must have its own digital wallet, separate to any used by the trustee for personal or business purposes.

-      The investment is valued at market value in line with the ATO's valuation guidelines.

-      Any crypto assets that a member or related party hold personally are not sold to the fund or transferred to the fund as a contribution.

-      The investment is consistent with the sole purpose test, and does not involve the giving of financial assistance to a member.


Check that holiday employees get the right super

The ATO is reminding employers that the holiday season is fast approaching, and that their holiday casuals may now be eligible for super.

From 1 July 2022, employers need to pay super for employees at a rate of 10.5%, regardless of how much they are paid, because the $450-per-month threshold for super guarantee ('SG') eligibility has been removed.

This change doesn’t affect other eligibility requirements for SG.  In particular, workers who are under 18 still need to work more than 30 hours in a week to be eligible.

For example, Anish is a 17-year-old employee working a job at a hotel over the holiday season. Anish works 32 hours in a week at the hotel and earns $800 before tax.  He also works 5 hours at his local café, earning $150.

As Anish worked more than 30 hours in one week at the hotel, his employer will need to pay him super on the $800 earned.  However, as Anish works less than 30 hours a week at the café and is under 18, he is not entitled to super from this employer.

The ATO recommends that employers check their payroll and accounting systems are up to date so they are correctly calculating their employees' SG payments, and that registered tax agents and BAS agents can help with their tax and other obligations.


Optus data breach

The ATO is aware of the recent Optus data breach and that people who have been affected might be concerned about their personal data, and is assuring people that ATO systems have not been affected by the Optus data breach.

The ATO recommends that anyone who thinks they have been affected by the Optus data breach should contact Optus Customer Service on 13 39 37.

Information for those caught up in the data breach is available from the Australian Cyber and Security Centre at

The ATO also reminds the community that it is important to always be vigilant for suspicious activity.  The following tips can help protect accounts and keep personal information safe:

-       Use multi-factor authentication for accounts where possible.

-       Be careful when clicking on links and providing personal information.

-       Make sure contact details are up to date when using online services.


Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

ATO updates ‘cents per kilometre’ rate for individuals

July 2022


ATO’s small business focus for 2022 income year

The ATO announced that it will be focussing on the following matters for small business tax returns for the 2021/22 year:

-   Deductions that are private in nature and not related to business income, as well as overclaiming of business expenses (especially for taxpayers running a home-based business).

-   Omission of business income (e.g., income from the sharing economy or new business ventures).

-   Record keeping – including insufficient or non-existent records that are needed to substantiate claims.

The ATO acknowledges that it has been a tough couple of years for many small business owners and encourages taxpayers to act early to find a solution if they are getting behind in their tax obligations, either by contacting their tax agent or the ATO.


ATO targeting SMSFs that fail to lodge annual returns

The ATO has observed an increase in the number of SMSFs that fail to lodge their first annual return and become what the ATO refers to as ‘NEVER’ lodgers.  The ATO is particularly concerned where there has been a roll-over into these SMSFs, as this is a strong indicator illegal early release of superannuation benefits may have occurred.

A minority of SMSF trustees continue to ignore ATO reminders about lodging annual returns.  This group is now being targeted with a compliance campaign the ATO calls ‘3 strikes and you’re out’.

Under this campaign, the ATO will take the following action:

1.    The ATO’s compliance action starts with a blue letter, that encourages trustees to take immediate action and lodge their return and provides a pathway for those in need of support.

2.    If the ATO does not receive a response to the blue letter, it will issue an amber letter warning the trustees of the consequences of failing to lodge their return.

3.    If the ATO still does not receive a response, it will issue a final warning, a red letter advising the ATO is commencing the disqualification process and considering other enforcement action.

Last year the ATO issued red letters to trustees who had never lodged their first annual return and has now commenced disqualifying the 95 trustees that did not respond.




ATO updates ‘cents per kilometre’ rate for individuals

The ATO has updated the cents per kilometre rate relating to individual car expenses for the 2023 income year to 78 cents per business kilometre.

The cents per kilometre method:

q   uses a set rate for each kilometre travelled for business;

q   allows taxpayers to claim a maximum of 5,000 business kilometres per car, per year;

q   does not require written evidence to show exactly how many kilometres were travelled (but the ATO may ask taxpayers to show how they worked out their business kilometres, for example by means of diary records); and

q   uses a rate that takes all vehicle running expenses (including registration, fuel, servicing and insurance) and depreciation into account.

The cents per kilometre rate was 72 cents for the 2021 and 2022 income years.


ATO to target ‘wash sales’ this Tax Time

The ATO is warning taxpayers to not engage in ‘asset wash sales’ to artificially increase their losses to reduce gains (or expected gains).  Wash sales are a form of tax avoidance that the ATO is focussed on this tax time.

Wash sales typically involve the disposal of assets (e.g., cryptocurrency and shares) just before the end of the financial year, where after a short period of time, the taxpayer reacquires the same or substantially similar assets.  Such sales are usually done to create a loss to be offset against a gain already derived, or expected to be derived, in certain circumstances, in a tax return.

The ATO’s sophisticated data analytics can identify wash sales through access to data from share registries and crypto asset exchanges.  When the ATO identifies this behaviour, the capital loss is rejected, resulting in an even bigger loss to the taxpayer.

The ATO has warned taxpayers engaging in wash sales that they are at risk of facing swift compliance action and additional tax, interest and penalties may apply.  Taxpayers are urged to ignore any advice encouraging a wash sale of any asset. The clear advice from the ATO is to check the ATO website or check with an independent registered tax professional and not to rely on advice received through media, social media, or advertisements.


Downsizer contributions age changes from 1 July 2022

From 1 July 2022, people aged 60 years and over will be eligible to make downsizer contributions of up to $300,000 per person ($600,000 per couple) from the sale proceeds of their home into their super.  For downsizer contributions made prior to 1 July 2022, eligible individuals must have been aged 65 years or older at the time of making their contribution.

Eligible downsizer contributions do not impact or count towards the member’s concessional or non-concessional super contribution caps.


During the 2022 Federal election, the previous Coalition Government announced it would support a further reduction to the downsizer eligibility age to 55 years.  However, this announcement has not become law.  Accordingly, contributions received on or after 1 July 2022 from members who are 55 to 59 will:

q   be ineligible for treatment as downsizer contributions; and

q   generally count towards either the member’s non-concessional or concessional superannuation contributions caps.


Super guarantee contribution due date for June 2022 quarter

The due date for employers to make super guarantee contributions for their employees for the June 2022 quarter is 28 July 2022.  Note that the super guarantee rate in relation to salary and wages paid on or before 30 June 2022 is 10%.

Employers that do not pay an employee’s superannuation guarantee amount on time (and to the right fund) are liable to pay the ‘superannuation guarantee charge’ (‘SGC’).  The SGC is more than the superannuation amount that is otherwise payable for the employee and is not tax deductible.

As we reported last month, the super guarantee rate increases to 10.5% in relation to salary and wages paid on or after 1 July 2022 (even if they are paid in relation to work performed before that date).

Note also, contributions received by superannuation funds after 30 June 2022 will not be deductible in the 2022 income year, even if they are made in relation to work performed during the 2022 income year.


Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.

ATO 's focus for tax returns 2022

ATO priorities this tax time

The ATO has announced four key areas that it will be focusing on for Tax Time 2022:

-   Record-keeping.

-   Work-related expenses.

-   Rental property income and deductions.

-  Capital gains from crypto assets, property, and shares.

Before claiming income tax deductions for their expenses, taxpayers must ensure:

-   they spent the money themselves and were not reimbursed;

-   if an expense is for both income-producing and private use, only the portion relating to producing income is claimed; and

q   they have a record to prove it.


Avoid double dipping on your deductions

Taxpayers are reminded not to make the mistake of ‘double dipping’ on deductions (that is, claiming expenses twice) in their tax return this year.

Some of the ‘double dipping’ mistakes commonly made relate to the following deductions:

q   Working from home expenses

A common mistake involves using the 'shortcut method' to claim working from home expenses and then claiming additional amounts for expenses such as mobile phone and internet bills, as well as the decline in value of equipment and furniture.

The working from home shortcut method is all-inclusive.

There are three methods available to claim a deduction for working from home expenses depending on individual circumstances; namely, the shortcut, fixed rate and actual cost methods.

The method that gives the best outcome can be used, as long as the eligibility and record-keeping requirements for the chosen method are observed.

q   Car expenses

A common mistake involves using the 'cents per kilometre' method to claim car expenses, and then double dipping by separately claiming expenses such as fuel, car insurance, and registration.

The cents per kilometre rate is all-inclusive and already covers decline in value, registration, insurance, maintenance, repairs, and fuel costs. 

q   Reimbursed expenses

Taxpayers cannot claim expenses that have already been reimbursed by their employer.


Get ready for super changes from 1 July 2022

As the new financial year approaches, employers need to be aware of two important super changes.

From 1 July 2022, employees can be eligible for super guarantee (‘SG’), regardless of how much they earn, because the $450 per month eligibility threshold for when SG is paid has been removed. 

Employers only need to pay super for workers under 18, when they work more than 30 hours in a week.

Furthermore, the SG rate will increase from 10% to 10.5% on 1 July 2022.  Employers will need to use the new rate to calculate super on payments made to employees on or after 1 July, even if some or all of the pay period is for work done before 1 July.

Employers should update their payroll and accounting systems to ensure they continue to pay the right amount of super for their employees.


ATO to start clearing backlog of ENCC release authorities

Due to "unavoidable delays caused by improvements to" its systems, the ATO will start issuing requests to release excess contributions and other charges for individuals who did not make an election on the tax treatment of their excess non-concessional contributions ('ENCC') for prior financial years.

This may result in a higher than normal number of release authorities for members of superannuation funds over the coming months while the ATO works through the backlog.


ATO warns about GST fraud

Taxpayers are being warned to be on the lookout for dodgy online ads, often on social media platforms, promising easy GST refunds.

The ATO recently issued a media release about large-scale GST fraud attempts exceeding $850 million, that involve customers setting up an ABN without operating a business, and then submitting fictitious BAS statements to get a GST refund.

The ATO said it has already successfully stopped $770 million in attempted fraud before payment.

“The people who are involved in these activities aren’t accidentally ticking a box on an online form.  They’re signing to say that they’ve set up an ABN for a business that doesn’t exist, then lodging a BAS with false information on it, to receive GST refunds that they are not entitled to,” the ATO said.

Taxpayers who think they’ve been involved in this arrangement are urged to let the ATO know (before the ATO contacts them) by calling 1300 130 017.

Confidential reports of suspected tax evasion or crime can be made online (visit or by calling the ATO’s Tax Integrity Centre on 1800 060 062.


Employers need to prepare for changes under STP expansion

Single Touch Payroll ('STP') reporting has been expanded.

This expansion, known as ‘STP Phase 2’, means that employers will need to start reporting extra information to the ATO each time they run their payroll.

Some digital service providers (‘DSPs’) needed more time to update their products and applied for deferrals, which cover their customers – therefore, when an employer can start Phase 2 reporting depends on when their payroll product is ready.

Employers that have not already started Phase 2 reporting should ask their DSP when their product will be ready (if they don't already know).

Employers need to be across the changes and get ready to start Phase 2 reporting.  This includes:

q   checking if changes need to be made to payroll pay codes/categories so they align with Phase 2 requirements;

q   reviewing allowances employers pay and how they need to be reported in Phase 2;

q   understanding changes to salary sacrifice reporting; and

q   understanding how to assign an income type to each payment.

The ATO is also reminding employers that amounts paid to 'closely held payees' should now be reported through STP.

A ‘closely held payee’ is an individual directly related to the entity they receive payments from. For example, family members of a family business, directors or shareholders of a company and beneficiaries of a trust.

There are concessional reporting options for closely held payees reporting which include the following:

q   Reporting actual payments on or before the date of payment (along with arm's length employees).

q   Reporting actual payments quarterly.

q   Reporting a reasonable estimate quarterly.

Editor: Should you have any questions (or require any assistance) about any of the issues raised in this update, please feel free to contact our office.



Please Note: Many of the comments in this publication are general in nature and anyone intending to apply the information to practical circumstances should seek professional advice to independently verify their interpretation and the information’s applicability to their particular circumstances.